Natacha Supavivat

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Norovirus Stomach Bug // Food Poisoning

Project: Opening sequence for a film featuring specific virus

The Virus: Norovirus is commonly known as the “stomach bug” or“food poisoning”. Norovirus causes inflammation of the stomach orintestines and usually lasts between 1-3 days. During that time, an infected person may have symptoms that include but are not limited to, stomach ache, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Excessive loss of water can also lead to dehydration. Norovirus is transmitted through contaminated food, water, orfrom one person to another. Due to its spreadability, Norovirus is considered the leading cause of illness in North America. In this film, the Norovirus has evolved its genetic information which leads to additional side effects: desire to drink blood.  

All images on this website are copyrighted © by Natacha Supavivat 2024